5 Reasons Why You Should Donate Unwanted Stuff Before You Move

Whether you are downsizing to a new house or purging prior to a move, there is nothing better than getting rid of the clutter you’ve probably been hoarding for years. Relocation is about starting a new chapter of your life, and you wouldn’t want to drag any unnecessary stuff along with you to your new home. This can also be seen as an opportunity for donating things that you no longer use or need.  Doing so not only helps others in need, but also benefit you in many ways.

Here are five reasons donating unwanted items before moving is a good idea:

  1. You save on taxes
  2. You cut down the moving costs
  3. You are able to create a calming space
  4. You are less likely to clutter up your new house
  5. You do not have to spend on a storage unit

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